

May meeting

May meeting is on Thursday 20th. topic: psychogeriatrics, Dr Quinn Leverndale.


April Meeting

Thursday 15th April -talk from Dr Zoma, Consultant Rheumatologist


March meeting

March 18th- CPR training


February Meeting

Thursday 18th. Topic: Cardiology


January meeting

Thurday 21st - paediatric ENT problems



Thursday December 3rd -extra meeting with Dr Ken Lawton RCGP (S) Chair. usual venue/time


November Meeting

Thursady 20th November. Dr Euan Paterson, GP and MacMillan facilitator talking about palliative care.Will discuss use of syringe drivers and symptom management of commomon palliative care issues.


October Meeting

Epilepsy -talk by Dr Rod Duncan, Consultant Neurologist. 16th October. Usual Time/Venue


September Meeting Thursday 18th

Talk by Colin Strathearn from Sandyford Initiative- mainly update on contraception with opportunity to ask about any clinical issues


August Meeting

on Thursday 21st August:talks from Ernie Turner, accountant, on locum finances and also Dr Janice Oliver from NES on educational activities.


Thursday 19 October 2023 Online meeting - Using QI to your advantage as a locum

You are warmly invited to the next online zoom meeting, next week Thursday 19 October 2023 betwe.... more

Thursday 26 January 2023 : Monthly meeting - update on Emergency Medicine
Next online zoom meeting is next week Thursday 26 Jan 2023 between 7-8:15 PM
You are warmly invited to join us, Zoom room opens at 6:50, talk starts at 7 pm promptly.

Dr Joanna Quinn Emergency Medicine Registrar is our speaker for this month's talk on "Emergency Medicine update
Please check your inbox or 'GP members only' forum for the zoom invitation.

Hope to see you there!.... more