

June Meeting

June meeting: on thursday 21st June. child protection guidance


May Meeting

Thurday 17th May -speaker on the topic of dental/oral problems in general practice


April Meeting

April meeting on Thursday 19th April -talk from Dr Diaper, consultant ophthalmologist


march meeting

March meeting will be on Thursday 15th March - basic life support training


February 2012 meeting

meeting will be on thursday 16th february. Talk from Dr Duncan McIntyre- respiratory consultant on sleep apnoea


January 2012 meeting

The meeting will be on Thursday 19th January - presentation /discussion with GMC reps. on continuing professional development


November meeting

November meeting: Thursday 17th November. Talk with Dr Euan Paterson about new DNA CPR guidelines


October Meeting

October meeting- thursday 20th October. Talk from MDDUS about medicolegal matters


September meeting

September educational meeting will be on Thursday 15th September - topic: alcohol problems


August meeting

August meeting Thursday 18th August - talk from accountant on GP locum finances


Thursday 19 October 2023 Online meeting - Using QI to your advantage as a locum

You are warmly invited to the next online zoom meeting, next week Thursday 19 October 2023 betwe.... more

Thursday 26 January 2023 : Monthly meeting - update on Emergency Medicine
Next online zoom meeting is next week Thursday 26 Jan 2023 between 7-8:15 PM
You are warmly invited to join us, Zoom room opens at 6:50, talk starts at 7 pm promptly.

Dr Joanna Quinn Emergency Medicine Registrar is our speaker for this month's talk on "Emergency Medicine update
Please check your inbox or 'GP members only' forum for the zoom invitation.

Hope to see you there!.... more