
Thursday 19 October 2023 Online meeting - Using QI to your advantage as a locum

You are warmly invited to the next online zoom meeting, next week Thursday 19 October 2023 between 7-8:15 PM

Dr Karena Hanley who works with the NES Primary Care QI team is our speaker for this meeting and will deliver a talk on "Using QI to your advantage as a locum"

Please check the 'GP members' forum for the zoom invitation, nearer the time.

Hope to see you there!


Thursday 19 October 2023 Online meeting - Using QI to your advantage as a locum

You are warmly invited to the next online zoom meeting, next week Thursday 19 October 2023 betwe.... more

Thursday 26 January 2023 : Monthly meeting - update on Emergency Medicine
Next online zoom meeting is next week Thursday 26 Jan 2023 between 7-8:15 PM
You are warmly invited to join us, Zoom room opens at 6:50, talk starts at 7 pm promptly.

Dr Joanna Quinn Emergency Medicine Registrar is our speaker for this month's talk on "Emergency Medicine update
Please check your inbox or 'GP members only' forum for the zoom invitation.

Hope to see you there!.... more